INQUA Foundation (Stichting International Union for Quaternary Research)

RSIN-number: 861914223.

Contact address: Princetonlaan 6, 3584CB, Utrecht, the Netherlands, [email protected].



For reasons that are of major importance to society, the object of the foundation is to gain profound knowledge of the global developments in the geological period referred to as the Quaternary, to improve and promote research into this geological period and to disseminate the results of such research, all this in the broadest sense.


Policy plan:

The foundation attempts to achieve its object by:

-    promoting research into the Quaternary geological period, or causing such research to be promoted;

-    either directly or indirectly promoting communication and international collaboration in experimental and applied aspects of Quaternary research;

-    organising non-specialist and scientific conferences and meetings, or causing these to be organised;

-    supporting and promoting the activities of the association for scientific research by the name of 'The International Union for Quaternary Research';

-    raising and obtaining contributions, funds, gifts and donations;

and all that is related to the above or may be conducive thereto, all this in the broadest sense and to the extent that it contributes towards the object of the foundation.


Board members:

-    President: Thijs van Kolfschoten (Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands).

-    Secretary General: Enikö Magyari (Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary).

-    Treasurer: Freek S. Busschers (TNO - Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Utrecht, The Netherlands).

-    Vice Presidents: Maria Fernanda Sanchez Goni (EPHE, Paris Science Lettres University), Zhengtang Guo (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Shi, China), Laura Sadori (Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy), Lynne Quick (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa).

-    Past President: Allan Ashworth (North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA). 

Board member payments:

The board members receive no remuneration, neither directly nor indirectly. Payment of a reasonable amount to cover the expenses incurred for the benefit of the foundation, as well as non-excessive attendance fees, shall not be regarded as remuneration. All payments made to the board members will as such be included and accounted for in the annual accounts.


Financial Report 2021

Financial Report 2022

Financial Report 2023

Financial responsibility:

-    The capital of the foundation is made up of donations, legacies, testamentary dispositions, subsidies and gifts, as well as of any other acquisitions. It serves to achieve the foundation’s objects. No natural person or legal entity may dispose of the foundation’s capital as if it were his or its own.

-    The foundation seeks to be a public benefit organization. Making a profit is not among its objects.

-    The foundation’s capital must not hold more funds than are reasonably required for the continuity of the intended activities for the benefit of its objects. It is however permitted to maintain acquired capital if such has been stipulated by a testator or donor.