INQUA Funding, Recognition & Awards

INQUA’s role is to foster international collaboration in the field of Quaternary Science and to promote improved communication and international collaboration in experimental and applied aspects of Quaternary research, with networking as the focus. In order to achieve its basic goal, INQUA offers several opportunities to receive financial support or recognition/endorsement through Grants and Fellowships.  The basic criteria for evaluating and awarding funds for INQUA grants, projects and fellowships may include:
    - Scientific quality
    - Originality and novelty
    - Feasibility (e.g. working plan, expertise, potential for fostering collaboration)
    - Merits of the applicant(s)
    - Justification of the requested funding
    - Relevance of the host laboratory, as applicable

INQUA Grants

INQUA financial support is provided to stimulate the development of research networks, and is divided into two categories:

1. International Research Network (IRN)        
          a. Multi-year IRN (1 workshop/year)**

          b. Single-year IRN (1 stand-alone meeting/conference)

2. International Skill Activity (ISA)

           a. Single-year ISA (1 workshop)

INQUA Grant applications should be in line with INQUA's basic goal, which is to promote improved communication and international collaboration. A detailed explanation of the different funding categories and the application procedure can be found here. The grant application should be sent to INQUA Secretariat: [email protected].

The next INQUA Grant application deadline is 30 September 2024.

**Please note that the multi-year IRN should start in the first year of the inter-congress period, which was 2023.

INQUA Fellowship Program

The INQUA Fellowship Program financially supports early-career scientists (ECRs), as well as scientists from low- and middle-income countries/developing countries (DCRs), to gain international Quaternary research experience at a foreign institution for the duration of 3-6 months. The aim of the INQUA Fellowship Program is to contribute to the development of collaborative research. The fellowship covers (part of) the costs associated with travel (economy class) and expenses (subsistence, accommodation etc.) of the fellow while living abroad up to a maximum of € 15.000.

Detailed information about the INQUA Fellowship Program, eligibility, and the application procedure, as well as the application form can be found here.  

The next INQUA Fellowship Program application deadline is 15 September 2024.  

INQUA Recognition

INQUA offers the option to apply for INQUA recognition or endorsement with the right to use the INQUA logo and name when applying for funding and organizing conferences. This endorsement does not involve financial support from INQUA. 

INQUA Working Groups

A special category is the recognition as INQUA Working Group, a long-term association addressing specific broad-scale scientific issues. INQUA Working Groups have the right to use the INQUA logo and name when applying for funding and organizing conferences. The recognition as an INQUA Working Group is formally approved at the INQUA Congress by the INQUA International Council for the next intra-congress period (usually 4 years). Applications can be submitted during the intra-congress period for provisional approval by the INQUA Executive Committee until ratification at the next INQUA Congress. 

Those seeking recognition/endorsement or Working Group status are encouraged to send a request to the INQUA Executive Committee ([email protected]). Information about the application procedure can be found here.

INQUA Awards

INQUA presents awards to scientists who distinguish themselves through contributions to Quaternary science and to INQUA. These awards include: 
• the Sir Nicholas Shackleton Medal for Outstanding Young Quaternary Scientists 
• the Liu Tungsheng Distinguished Career Medal for Distinguished Service to the International Community in Quaternary Science 
• the INQUA Distinguished Service Medal
Information about these awards, past recipients, and how to nominate candidates for future awards can be found here.