INQUA Fellowship Program For International Mobility

The INQUA Fellowship Program financially supports early-career scientists (ECRs), as well as scientists from low- and middle-income countries/developing countries (DCRs), to gain international Quaternary research experience at a foreign institution for the duration of 3–6 months.

The aim of the INQUA Fellowship Program is to contribute to the development of collaborative research. The fellowship covers (part of) the costs associated with travel (economy class) and expenses (subsistence, accommodation etc.) of the fellow while living abroad up to a maximum of € 15000. 

2024 INQUA Fellows

Alfred Houngnon, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin
Daniela Piraquive-Bermúdez, University of Göttingen, Germany
Rieneke Weij, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Mitthu Dhali, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Valentina Andrea Álvarez-Barra, Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de  la Patagonia (CIEP), Chile
Muhammad Usman, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

2023 INQUA Fellows

Driss Chahid

Gabriela Torre

Nannan Li

Nicolas  Cosentino

Lauren   Pretorius

Thamizharasan   Sakthivel

Francesca Paraschos

Julieta Ines Massaferro

Shlomy  Vainer

Sebastian Miguel Richiano

KurtHeinrich Wogau

Abdel-Aziz Abdrahamane Yassine

Eshaan Srivastava

Joaquin Arroyo-Cabrales

For their details and project titles please see this spreadsheet

Current Call for Applications

Applications are invited from candidates in all continents/regions for the 2024 INQUA Fellowship Program

Please read the guidelines carefully, fill in the application form, and submit it, together with the required documents (see guidelines), before 15 September 2024 at the INQUA Secretariat ([email protected]). If you have any questions, please contact INQUA at [email protected]


The applicants must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Early-career scientists (ECRs) - graduate students and postgraduates within 8 years of receiving their final degree. This period of 8 years does not take into account periods of time taken not working as an academic or because of taking time off because of family responsibilities. Scientists who have been working for less than 8 years and who have permanent (tenured) positions, may still be considered as early-career researchers.
  • Developing-Country Researchers (DCRs) - researchers who are working in low income or lower middle income economies (see here for list of these economies). In applying this guideline, INQUA will take into account that inclusion or exclusion from the World Bank list may not be an adequate reflection of the levels of science funding or funding to individual scientists.
  • Individuals must be willing to conduct research at host research institutions in foreign countries. 
  • Research Topics should be related to INQUA’s defined scope (
  • Applicants can benefit from the INQUA Fellowship Program only once.

Awards Criteria

As you prepare your applications, please note that some of the basic criteria that are considered in the process of evaluating and awarding funds for INQUA grant projects and fellowships may include:   

  • Research potential and collaboration fostering: scientific quality of research, novelty and timeliness, cost effectiveness, significance, feasibility of the proposed project in connection with INQUA scope
  • The academic excellence of the applicant: the scientific and publication track record of the investigator, scholarships/fellowships held, work experience, project management, ability to communicate and present scientific results, degree of involvement in academic life and community
  • Excellence of the host researcher/hosting institution