Latest developments

  • Webinar: From the Theory of Ice Ages to IPCC climate projections
    Webinar: From the Theory of Ice Ages to IPCC climate projections

    INQUA vice-president, Maria Fernanda Sanchez-Goni, Professor of Paleoclimatology, was invited to ISC Dinstinguished Lecture Series where she talked about “From the Theory of Ice Ages to IPCC climate projections”.

  • ISC Distinguished Lecture Series
    ISC Distinguished Lecture Series

    The new online lecture series hosted by the International Science Council (ISC) explores how Basic Sciences are essential in fostering the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals.  

  • AGU Fall Meeting 2024
    AGU Fall Meeting 2024

    The AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting is the most influential event in the world dedicated to the advancement of Earth and space sciences. Every year, AGU Fall Meeting convenes >25,000 attendees from 100+ countries…

  • 7th PAGES Open Science Meeting & 5th Young Scientists Meeting
    7th PAGES Open Science Meeting & 5th Young Scientists Meeting

    The 7th OSM and 5th YSM will take place in Shanghai, China, and online from 19–24 May 2025.



INQUA awards scientists for their significant contributions to Quaternary science and the organization itself. These awards include:

The Sir Nicholas Shackleton Medal for Outstanding Young Quaternary Scientists

The medal is awarded once every two years to an outstanding young Quaternary scientist, chosen by his or her peers and evaluated by a blue-ribbon committee of distinguished scientists.

Shackleton Medal recipients

  • 2023: Qiaomei Fu
  • 2021: Julie Loisel
  • 2019: Qiuzhen Yin
  • 2017: Amaelle Landais
  • 2015: Robert E. Kopp
  • 2013: Not awarded
  • 2011: Yuki Sawai
  • 2009: Zenobia Jacobs
  • 2007: Chris Turney

Nomination Form

The Liu Tungsheng Distinguished Career Medal for Distinguished Service to the International Community in Quaternary Science

The Liu Tungsheng Distinguished Career Medal is awarded to a senior Quaternary scientist who has made significant and distinguished contributions that have advanced Quaternary science through dedicated service to the international community.

Liu Tungsheng Medal recipients

  • 2023: Denis-Didier Rousseau
  • 2019: Nicolas Lancaste
  • 2015: Ann G. Wintle
  • 2011: Stephen C. Porter

Nomination Form

 INQUA Distinguished Service Medal

The INQUA Distinguished Service Medal is awarded to individuals with a recognized record of sustained and outstanding contributions to the maintenance or development of INQUA’s important functions (e.g. organization, operations, outputs, publicity).

INQUA Distinguished Service Medal Recipients

  • 2023: Norm Catto
  • 2019: Marie-France Loutre
  • 2015: Nathaniel W. Rutter

Nomination Form

Explore the Awards: Past Recipients