PAGES-INQUA ECR Workshop on Past Socio-Environmental Systems - 2nd circular

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The organizing committee of PASES2020 is closely monitoring the situation with travel bans and continued concern due to the COVID-19 outbreak and spread. At this stage, we encourage you to submit your abstract for the workshop but we recognize the workshop’s timeline is subject to change. Should the workshop be cancelled or you are not able to travel, you will receive full registration refund.

On behalf of the organising committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the joint PAGES-INQUA workshop for early-career researchers: 

Past Socio-Environmental Systems (PASES2020) 

Where: La Serena, Chile

When: 9-13 November 2020 

The workshop will consist of both contributions by early-career researchers (ECRs) and practical breakout groups in which participants will work on community-driven questions around the application of paleosciences to study socio-environmental systems. We welcome ECRs researching the social side of paleosciences with strong interests on paleoclimate and paleoecological data and models. All the details in the attached circular.

Please contact us at with questions at: [email protected] and Twitter (@PAGES_ECN and @INQUA_ECR)


Best wishes,

The PASES2020 Organizing Committee