Fault2SHA 5th Workshop - Online

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The 5th Fault2SHA Workshop will be held online on Thursday 12th, Friday 13th November and Wednesday 2nd December, 2020 in the afternoons (times based on ECT, European Central Time). This workshop is not organized by TERPRO, but is relevant for the TERPRO earthquake community and open to everyone who's interested. Plus, many TERPRO members are already active in the Faults2SeismicHazard project. https://fault2sha.net/

Programme summary

  • Thursday 12th November: The first day will include presentations and discussions concerning: From the Field to the Table: Experience gained so far from Fault2SHA Field Labs
  • Friday 13th November: The second day will include invited talks and an open call for short talks for participants to present their current projects and work on topics relating to utilising faults in seismic hazard assessments. The session will include a keynote talk by Dr Carlos Costa: "From neotectonic faults to SHA in South America: challenges ahead"
  • Wednesday 2nd December: The third day will be an open discussion among participants on bringing together the former experience and new initiatives from the first two days of the workshop with the aim of looking at what next for Fault2SHA... What new laboratories can we form? How can the ExCom help with this? How can we collaborate in the future bringing together our different expertise, experience and questions.

Abstract submission

If you would like to give a short presentation on a topic relating to utilising faults in seismic hazard assessment during the workshop, please submit your abstract when prompted in the registration link (maximum 2000 characters). Note the abstract submission deadline is Monday 12th October 18:00 CET. We will announce successful presentations by Monday 26th October 18:00 CET.


Free registration is now open. Please fill in the registration form, in which we will ask a few short questions to help us know more about your interests. The registration deadline is Thursday 5th November 18:00 CET. We will provide the link for the meeting for those who have registered after registration closes.

Registration: https://forms.gle/JfC5o46NvNMa52gk9