Pedogenesis Workshop 2019 in Belgium

Pedogenesis Workshop 2019 in Belgium, 1-7 August 2019, INQUA QUASAP Focus Group

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Pedogenesis Workshop 2019 in Belgium

Pedogenesis Workshop 2019 in Belgium, 1-7 August 2019, INQUA QUASAP Focus Group

Ghent University (Belgium)
01 Aug 2019 - 07 Aug 2019

Pedogenesis Workshop 2019 in Belgium

Aug 1st - 7th, 2019


Ghent University, (Belgium)


Pedogenesis Workshop 2019 in Belgium

The workshop will take place in Belgium on 1-7 August 2019, directly after the
INQUA Congress in Dublin. It is organized by Peter Finke (Ghent University).

The workshop fee is 825 € per person. I will cover 6 overnight stays in a basic hotel,
dinner, refreshments, sandwhich lunches and transport on the four workshop days.

Pre-registration is now open!
If you plan to attend, please send a short e-mail for pre-registration to
[email protected] latest until March 27.

Your pre-registration is important, because we need at least 10 pre-registrations to
carry out the workshop.
The decision GO / NO GO will be communicated on April 1.

We received INQUA funds that enable us to offer:

  • 2 travel grants à 1000 Euros for colleagues from low-income countries /
    overseas PhD students and
  • 3 travel grants à 650 Euros for European young researchers.
To apply, please send a short e-mail explaining your motivation, a CV and an abstract
for a presentation at the workshop to
[email protected]
latest until March 27.

Abstracts for workshop presentations can be submitted latest until June 1.
Please, send your abstract (1 page, 11 pt Arial, single spacing, 2.5 cm margins) to
[email protected]

Ghent Workshop Map

The focus of the workshop will be on three activities:

1.  Interaction between participants through workshop presentations on soils and paleosols.

2.  Several excursion days, with a focus on the relations between the soil forming factors and the field soil, by looking at soils developed in various parent materials, in different topographic positions and also some paleosols. Most of the soils are well-documented (physical and chemical analyses, mineralogy, and in some cases thin sections). 

3.   Some of the soils that we will observe will also be modelled. We will do this in a PC-workshop format, building the required model inputs (parent material, climate, vegetation, topography) and evaluating results of model runs. The discussion will focus on the additional value of modelling relative to field observations, missing model functionality and possibilities, etc.. 

Preliminary workshop program

Thursday, 1 August

06 pm - 09 pm: reception and appetizers

Friday, 2 August

09 am - 12 pm: Indoor workshop with presentations of participants and discussion

01 pm - 05 pm: Field workshop, soils developed in variable parent materials (periglacial relics)

Saturday, 3 August

09 am - 12 pm: Field workshop, Holocene soils in variable parent materials

01 pm - 06 pm: Indoor modelling workshop, modelling soil genesis as a function of parent material

Sunday, 4 August

Free day for individual visits of Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp, etc.

Monday, 5 August

09 am - 11 am: Indoor workshop with presentations of participants and discussion

12 pm - 05 pm: Field workshop, man-influenced soils and paleosols in cover sands

Tuesday, 6 August

09 am - 12 pm: Field workshop, paleosols in cover sands and loess

12 pm - 05 pm: Field workshop, loess soils and topography

Wednesday, 7 August

09 am - 14 pm: Indoor modelling workshop, modelling loess soils and paleosols

14 pm - 18 pm: Continued interaction, departure