Workshop Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe, 23 March, 2021

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The 2021 meeting on “Intraplate Active Tectonics and Seismicity in Central/Western Europe“ will take place on 23 March, 2021. These meetings were held before traditionally in several countries, this year it will be held  via Zoom. The meeting used to be organised in the Euregio area, Aachen/NRW, Belgium and the Netherlands, but is now opened up to include more regions, as there is a joint topic that connects many places: intraplate tectonics.

The meeting is organised by Klaus Reicherter, Jochen Hürtgen, and Stéphane Baize and supported by INQUA TERPRO. It will be a 2+ h meeting on 23 March 2021, starting 14:00 CET, ending probably 16:00 or 17:00, with short presentations of the participants.

If you want to present a max 10-15 min talk (Powerpoint etc), please send the list of authors and the title to [email protected]. It’s not a scientific conference, but a workshop, in which there will be room to discuss recent findings, actions and plans. The only prerequisite is: talks have to be short and informative related to intraplate tectonics.
All presentations will be made available for download.

Preliminary programme

1) Intro (SB and KR) 5 min
2) Update activities in the last years (max. 15 min each)
a) France
b) Belgium
c) Netherlands
d) Germany
e) Poland
f) Czech Republic
… more (Austria?)

Break pipí

3) Outlook and upcoming events (max. 5 min each)
a) France
b) Belgium
c) Netherlands
d) Germany
e) Poland(?)
f) Czech Republic
… more (Austria?)

4) Final Discussion (30 min)
a Data Repository
b News and Activity Letter
d PATA Meetings 202X
e Publication Intraplate Tectonics

Zoom details

23. March, 2021

02:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien

Meeting-ID: 945 9317 5062
Kenncode: ActFaults


Klaus Reicherter, [email protected],,