Announcement: Ice Core Early Career Researchers Workshop (ICECReW)

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Dear INQUA members,

We would like to bring to your attention the Ice Core Early Career Researchers Workshop (ICECReW) sponsored by the U.S. Drilling Program!

We hope you will share this opportunity with your students, postdocs, and colleagues.

ICECReW is a professional development workshop for early career researchers. It will be held both in-person and online January 5-8, 2022 at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, UT. Attendees must be affiliated with a US institution to be eligible. 

The workshop is free to attend. Travel stipends and childcare are available.

ICECReW is intended for early-career researchers whose work contributes to the drilling, processing, or interpretation of ice core data. Modelers and ice core adjacent fields are welcome.  We hope to attract a diverse group of participants who may not have extensive experience working with ice core data. 

Participants will connect with potential collaborators, learn about opportunities of future ice core drilling and research efforts, learn how to utilize resources available from past ice core projects, and engage in career development activities. Participants will also work together to develop two synthesis papers.

Deadline for registration is September 30. Participants must be affiliated with a U.S. institution to be eligible. Please see the workshop website listed above for additional information.

For more information about the workshop, visit the workshop website.
Kathleen Wendt
Oregon State University