EDITH news


MARCH 08, 2021

EDITH Kickoff Meeting

Notwithstanding the impact of the COVID outbreak, that changed all our lives, EDITH Project is moving ahead and we can report some important NEWS.
We decided to go online with the kickoff meeting, that was unfortunately postponed by almost one year. The meeting will be held in the days of 14-16 April 2021 via a videocall platform (probably ZOOM).
We have planned the kickoff meeting as a discussion roundtable, with several keynote lectures, by invited speakers, and discussion rooms organized per field of expertise.
Our invited speakers, listed by field of expertise are:
GEODESY: Sabrina Metzger (Postdam Univerisity); Yariv Hamiel (Geological Survey of Israel)
PALEOSEISMOLOGY: James McCalpin (GeoHaz Consulting); Tamarah King (Oxford University)
ARCHEOSEISMOLOGY: Julian Lozos (CSU Northridge); Pablo Forlin (Durham University)
TECTONIC GEOMORPHOLOGY: Joanna Faure Walker (UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction); Ramon Arrowsmith (Arizona State University).
In the next weeks we’ll have some details on the title of the invited lectures. For the moment, please save the date!

MARCH 23, 2020

EDITH Kickoff Meeting

We have received final confirmation from the INQUA commission that EDITH will be funded and we are excited to have the opportunity to bring together a group of like-minded scientists to tackle some of the big questions in earthquake science.
For the next three years, we will have annual meetings, as well as other activities, to bring together a range of scientists, across disciplines, career stages and countries.

For our first kick-off meeting, we want to take an interactive approach and provide plenty of opportunities for informal interactions and discussions. We are planning a kick-off meeting in the middle of April 2021 . Given the current coronavirus situation, we still do not know the location but it will be probably held in Europe; more details will come as the current situation evolves.

EDITH Kickoff meeting SCHEDULE (preliminary)

1st day – afternoon

Welcome and Introduction to EDITH

Presentation of the three main topics of EDITH (Into the seismic cycle, Shaping the Earth, Toward Seismic Hazard Assessement)

Short oral presentations of participating scientists (competence,  studies and envisaged input to EDITH)

2nd day

Roundtable discussion accompanied by keynote introductory talks.

Session proposal for the Barcamp meeting

3rd day – morning

Barcamp meeting

Debriefing and Final outlook

What topics are of interest to EDITH? We’ve made a mind map of the committee’s initial thoughts, but we are sure that there are many more links to be explored and established.

Let’s start from this schematic mindmap! all the many links have still to be drawn!