Project 1301F: PALSEA: PALeoconstraints on SEA level rise


Jacky Austermann, LDEO, Columbia University, USA
Natasha Barlow, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, UK
Alessio Rovere, MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany
Jeremy Shakun, Boston College, USA

The greatest uncertainty in projecting future sea-level rise lies in predicting melt contributions from Earth’s remaining ice sheets. The observational period of climate variability spans, at best, only the last century, which hinders gaining a full understanding of ice sheet and sea level changes under different temperature and CO2
 forcing. To broaden this observational window we can resort to the geologic record that spans thousands of years and provides valuable archives of how ice sheets and sea level have responded to past climate variability, particularly during periods of extended warmth. The information contained in the geological record can therefore help assess the relationship between ice sheets, sea level and climate change, and provide a firm basis for projecting future changes. The PALSEA working group brings together observational scientists and ice-sheet, climate, and sea-level modelers in order to better define observational constraints on past sea-level change and improve our understanding of ice-sheet responses to rapid climate change.

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